
DL_ADHD in the era of the rush

Currently, the three fundamental considered symptoms disorder with or without hyperactivity attention deficit are the deficit of attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. It must be said that these symptoms are increasingly common in the family, scholar and social environments. In addition, ADHD is usually accompanied by some other diagnosis, eg. mood disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, learning disorder, anxiety, conduct disorder...

As any pathology, should be considered in its context. In this post we will make reference to the book.  “ADHD, Talk to the body”, of J. R. Ubieto, where ADHD is analyzed from the point of departure: the hyper time, marked by the rush.

It is not a new approach, Ubieto mentions Bauman, who developed the concept of "liquid modernity" widely cited as a new paradigm in which the solid values that structured the reality (friendship, love, work and effort...) they lose consistency, diluted, they become liquid, fluctuate and patients suffer from this effect, they must continuously manage the provisionality, precarity, uncertainty.

Ubieto moving forward with his title "ADHD. Talk to the body”, the symptom of subjects that live in a context of hurry, optimization of competences... and which are linked to each other by hyperactivity, being this a social bond, a way of relating to others through the body: verbosity, neglect... samples of the word difficult to regulate the body. While in the past, close enough (two, three decades ago) certain established social values were used to regulate body ex. made worthwhile the standby or the effort, today, in the era of the rush, the ideals stain uncertainty and often become useless not to pamper the immediacy. Drug treatment would therefore reinforce the need for immediacy and undervalue the word. 

Cristina Andrés
