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Data Protection PolicyDelta Human investigates the connections1 between people2 in order to aid with interventions that dynamize and transform groups. What is it that allows us to move forward3, to not settle for what we already know? Why are there issues that are so commonplace that they negatively impact the sustainability of a project?
Study of work and its impact on human processes.
Analysis of group dynamics from clinical, social and organisational approaches.
Promotion of an ethic that facilitates sustainable organisational development.
We approach this vast field through five interventions4. Through these, we help to structure and find new approaches in the way groups are organised.
Our advice is not based on universal programs or step-by-step guides, but on the search for solutions related to a specific context.
Humans are a product of their circumstances, both in terms of the context and the choices of each individual. And, as a combination of these, the unique and unrepeatable emerges. Out of this understanding comes our approach to undertaking each assessment. Evaluating the skills of a professional, guided by a specific manual, should not be an end in itself; the quantitative should not replace the qualitative, nor should labels replace ethics in decision-making.
Our interventions in Social Psychology are aimed at the WHOLE organisation. A vision of these characteristics implies knowing the foundation and dynamics of the functioning of the system.
Without people, there is no organization.